powered by AI. Its latest addition is the AI Sentiment US Equities All Cap model portfolio, which uses an algorithm to pick 30 stocks out of 1,000 based on favorable sentiment in news coverage. The portfolio is automatically rebalanced weekly based on the companies receiving the most positive sentiment, and no human is involved in managing the portfolio.
“The real-time news sentiment analysis provides a clear signal into the movement of price in the market and brings immense value to the advisors on our platform,” UX co-founder Kyle Wiggs said in a statement.
The StockSnips portfolio is just one of several AI-powered investment strategies available on UX’s model marketplace. In addition to a unique tech stack — which includes THOR Financial Technologies for investment research; Bridge Financial Technology for advisor and client dashboards; a model marketplace powered by ETF Action; Stratifi for risk profiling and proposals; and FlyerFT for trading and portfolio management across all major custodians — UX offers something RIAs can’t get elsewhere. powered by AI. Its latest addition is the AI Sentiment US Equities All Cap model portfolio, which uses an algorithm to pick 30 stocks out of 1,000 based on favorable sentiment in news coverage. The portfolio is automatically rebalanced weekly based on the companies receiving the most positive sentiment, and no human is involved in managing the portfolio. “The real-time news sentiment analysis provides a clear signal into the movement of price in the market and brings immense value to the advisors on our platform,” UX co-founder Kyle Wiggs said in a statement.
The StockSnips portfolio is just one of several AI-powered investment strategies available on UX’s model marketplace. In addition to a unique tech stack — which includes THOR Financial Technologies for investment research; Bridge Financial Technology for advisor and client dashboards; a model marketplace powered by ETF Action; Stratifi for risk profiling and proposals; and FlyerFT for trading and portfolio management across all major custodians — UX offers something RIAs can’t get elsewhere.