Stocksnips News Sentiment – An Alternative Factor for Alpha Generation

Are you looking for an edge to improve your portfolio performance? StockSnips has developed its News Sentiment dataset to transform daily news articles into a powerful signal that helps fundamental and quantitative managers enhance their returns.

Over the last 5 years, StockSnips tested the latest in Natural Language Processing and combined it with financially trained Machine Learnings models. By ingesting curated sources like News articles, analyst reports and SEC filings (no social media noise here), StockSnips has created the most accurate share price prediction dataset available today.

StockSnips News Sentiment is an intuitive yet affordable sentiment dataset covering 3,000 different US equities. Our heavy hitter clients continue to benefit from our AI development with improved returns realized each year.
Want proof? So, did we! StockSnips has been put to the test through statistical peer reviewed validation. Our double-digit alpha generation has been independently validated by Equity Research firms, institutional clients, as well as a research paper written by experts at Carnegie Mellon University. Between 2016-2019, Cirrus Research tracked the net gains using news sentiment and achieved 93% gain vs a 69% market benchmark over a 3-year period. If you are interested in improving your returns, please explore our alternative portfolio factor today.
For an overview of our News Sentiment Dataset please watch the video below: